Eastern Washington

Master Gardeners We are community

WSU Master Gardeners

Master Gardeners are volunteers who have received training in research-based horticultural practices. They also volunteer their time to share this knowledge within their local communities. The goal of the Master Gardener program is to conserve and enhance our natural resources while improving the quality of life of Spokane County residents.

WSU Drought Tolerant Landscaping

WSU Extension – Drought Tolerant Landscaping for Washington State

Master Gardeners are volunteers who have received training in research-based horticultural practices. They also volunteer their time to share this knowledge within their local communities. The goal of the Master Gardener program is to conserve and enhance our natural resources while improving the quality of life of Spokane County residents.

SpokaneScape Plant List

What’s New? This updated version of the SpokaneScape plant list is full of  native and low water use plants including  grasses, groundcovers, low shrubs, medium shrubs, perennials, tall shrubs and trees, and a new section of shade tolerant plants.

Right Plant. Right Place. Once you know the sun, shade, soil, and drainage conditions of your yard, you can choose the right plants. Be sure to group these new plants with plants that need the same conditions. This will greatly simplify your watering routine. 8 pages.

2022 spokanescape plant list
Noxious Weed Velvetleaf

Spokane County Noxious Weeds

The Spokane County Noxious Weed Control Board adopts a Noxious Weed List (PDF) each year. The list categorizes weeds into 4 classes according to the seriousness of the threat they pose to the County. 

The Inland Empire Gardeners

The Inland Empire Gardeners (TIEG) supports gardening and gardeners in the Spokane area.  It is a community-based organization focused on helping make the world a better, happier place. TIEG organizes the  annual Garden Expo and Spokane in Bloom Garden Tour. 

Inland Empire Gardeners